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November 12,2021

5 Tips to Cooking Seafood at Home


#1. Get the Best

When you buy seafood, trust your nose and your eyes! If it smells too fishy or looks slimy or mushy, don’t buy it! These are signs that it isn’t fresh.

How fresh seafood is has a big impact on the taste. If you are buying seafood from behind a counter, make sure it looks and smells right. (It should smell salty, like the ocean. It should look firm and a little moist.) If you don’t like what you see behind the counter, don’t be afraid to go to the frozen section. Most fish is flash-frozen at sea. You can find high-quality seafood in the frozen aisle. Just be sure it hasn’t passed the expiration date. You will find the best fresh selection and top quality at a seafood market, like City Fish Market, with a good reputation.

#2. Always Pat it Dry

Any chef will tell you that meat should have a nice sear. It creates a crispy, golden crust that locks in moisture. To get a perfect sear, you need to remove water from the outside of the seafood. Before you toss shrimp into a pan or place a fillet in the oven, pat the outside dry with a paper towel. (Don’t worry; removing moisture from the outside won’t make the inside dry out.)

If you are worried about the fish drying out, removing it from the refrigerator 15 to 20 minutes before cooking it. When you cook fish that’s just left the fridge, the outside often dries out while the inside takes a long time to cook. Letting it warm to room temperature before cooking will help it cook uniformly.

#3. Preheat the Pan or Oil

If you plan to pan-fry or fry seafood, give the pan or oil time to heat up. Preheating the pan will help sear the meat. You’ll know the pan is ready when a splash of water immediately sizzles and beads when it
hits the pan.

If you plan to fry seafood, preheat the oil to 350 and 375 degrees F using a candy thermometer. If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can test the oil by tossing in a small piece of bread. You will know it’s ready when it browns in around 45 seconds.

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