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Sea food

Fresh shrimp

80 MYR

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Important Vitamins in Seafood

Seafood plays a large role in the diets of the top 10 healthiest countries. It’s not a coincidence that countries—like Japan, Italy, and Australia—who eat lots of fish and shellfish have longer lifespans and fewer health risks. Seafood is full of nutrients essential that are for good health. It is also low in calories
and saturated fats.

5 Tips to Cooking Seafood at Home

We often think of seafood as a luxury, but there is no better option on a busy night than a seafood dinner. Fish and shellfish cook faster than most meat and require minimal prep time. If you want a healthy meal that’s quick ‘n easy to make, seafood’s a perfect choice.

What stops many home chefs from making seafood is that they don’t know how to prepare it. If that’s you, you can learn everything you need to know here! Follow these five top tips to master the art of cooking seafood. You will wow your family the next time you make fish tacos or shrimp scampi!

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